Monday 17 July 2017

Ekurhuleni Field Championship

Our first field, our first time we have to shoot more than 100 scoring arrows per day and walk close to 10km per day!

This unlike other competitions we shoot was quite different, there are so many rules with field. The distances go up to 80 yards and you have no excuse for a bad shot, since everything is a perfect round target.

Our first day was quite an experience, thankfully I was on the range before but for some fun 3D shooting. So Archers Edge did not feel completely alien, but the field section that was setup felt brand new. 14 targets to done twice, 4 arrows per target. A chilly and cloudy morning, there were so many people we were two 4 man groups on most targets.

All distances marked, clearly.
The first day was quite an experience that I enjoyed way too much. I loved the technical aspect, the order to shoot in, the distances and the amount of arrows.
A beautiful morning with a massive amount of archers.

My wife getting ready for a near perfect shot.
This is what Carbon Core Blackbirds do outdoor!

So after my first time shooting field I know one thing for certain, I will be back for more!

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